

It’s Never Too Late to  Eat Healthily

The aim of the Stealth project is to raise awareness of the importance of healthy nutrition using the STEM approach and combat social exclusion associated with obesity.  The project will focus on the role of food as a form of cultural heritage and the importance that cultural knowledge holds for understanding food choices and consumer preferences.  Real-world implications of project-based learning can excite students and can increase class participation. Integrating useful experiential and problem-based learning into specific situations can enhance understanding.  This is particularly important and useful when dealing with subjects that are notoriously difficult for students to understand.  The project therefore aims to design courses to best integrate project-based learning into a curriculum in order to increase long-term understanding. The project will show that in order for students to gain full mastery of concepts, they have to be motivated to learn the material.  The Stealth Project approach is to use food as a tool to encourage learning in nutrition, and also microbiology, chemistry, biology, health science and maths. The Stealth Project will use hands-on lessons that allow for interdisciplinary learning in all STEM subjects.


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Project Result  


Project Result