Hellenic Education Society of STEM
Ε3 STEM ( is a professional community of University Professors, School Educators, and School Advisors who share a common vision for the role of STEM epistemology in promoting education. Ε3 STEM engages in the development of open STEM and STEAM applications based on the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary epistemological approach combined with didactics models, like the Inquiry teaching and learning approach for science education. It aims to promote computing pedagogy, physical computing, computational science, didactics of science and computational thinking, and to advance understanding and the pedagogy of the STEM methodology alongside contemporary learning theories and didactic models. E3STEM members work also for the inclusion of Art in STEM in an interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary approach as an approach to teaching in which learners are engaged in conceptual understanding through an art form(e.g. by developing robotic artifacts, narrative stories using WEB 2.0 tools etc implementing the so-called studio learning). E3STEM also offers accredited seminars in teachers’ training for STEM and STEAM education for pre-service and in-service teachers and has the capacity to train teachers in large-scale programs. E3STEM has the capacity not only to develop software applications but to be engaged in hardware development. More than 120 members are included in E3STEM creating a strong network of teachers, school advisors and University Professors where STEM applications can be implemented. E3STEM has been established only for two years but its members have the capacity to push forward the STEM education since members are University Professors, Education Work Coordinator for Educational Planning-a role resembling the role characterized previously as school advisors), experienced teachers and education researchers. Despite the fact of the small-time period of its existence E3STEM participates in one Erasmus project (INDIE) while its members have been involved in European and National projects on behalf of their organizations. E3STEM supports the newly established journal Hellenic Journal of STEM Education