TPM 2 Portugal
Date: 13-14 April 2023
Location: Ponte de Lima
Lisa Gomes – PREVIFORM, Lda.
Marta Coelho – PREVIFORM, Lda.
Viktória Sláviková - Índicia
Dominika Koperová - Índicia
Sarantos Psycharis - ESTEM
Paraskevi Theodorou - ESTEM
Alessandro Zeppelli - ECECE
Lesya Polishschuk – ECECE
Eddy Richardson – Skola Felix
Jana Hakosova – Skola Felix
Discussion - Project Progress
The meeting was chaired by our Austrian partner, Alessandro Zeppelli and assisted by Eddy Richardson from Skola Felix. Together, they updated the project's pending and completed tasks, outlining objectives, distributing tasks and, above all, organizing everything together with the partners so that we could successfully complete this project.
Regarding PR1, it is important to emphasize that the piloting ends at the end of the school year and each partner must implement the toolkit between February and June 2023. Between July and September 2023 we will evaluate the implementation in order to ascertain the pros-cons of this toolkit. Participating teachers should send a reflection on the use of the toolkit, mentioning whether it was easy/difficult to implement, whether it was useful and how the students reacted to the proposed exercises/themes (…). This reflection made by the teachers should always be carried out with guides from the consortium and can be carried out through a questionnaire, interview or focus group, everything depends on the capacity and resources of the partners of this consortium. This evaluation should be carried out in two parts: first is the impact on students, if it was useful for students and the second part is the impact for teachers.
The following data were also clarified:
Start of the project: May 1, 2022
End of project: April 30, 2024
To Do List
Put the answers (50 per partner) in the questionnaire carried out by the Greek partner – . The questionnaire is the same and is passed at the beginning and end of the piloting in order to have a comparison term.
JUNE 2023: implementation of the piloting program, filling in the second questionnaire
reflecting the experience and impact of the Toolkit.JULY 2023: online status update meeting; evaluation of piloting program - measuring the level of achievement based on various qualitative and quantitative target indicators; working on the PR2: Guidelines.
AUGUST 2023: evaluation of piloting program - measuring the level of achievement based on various qualitative and quantitative target indicators; working on the PR2: Guidelines.
SEPT 2023: evaluation of piloting program - measuring the level of achievement
based on various qualitative and quantitative target indicators; working on the PR2: Guidelines.
OCT 2023: online meeting.
NOV 2023 - DEC 2023: preparation of policy recommendations addressed to local/ regional public authorities dealing with education to support the dissemination of the project results (the Toolkit and Guidelines) to other schools.
DEC 2023: TPM3 hosted by ECECE - preliminary evaluation of and sharing results.
JAN 2024: online meeting
MARCH 2024: online meeting
MARCH 2024: final meeting in Bratislava
FINAL MULTIPLIER EVENTS in each region in march
Important aspects:
State of the art analyses – mapping the traditional cuisine and its presence in children’s diet, childhood obesity in partner countries – Complete ✔
Toolkit on healthy nutrition (PR1) – Complete ✔
Google forms survey (ECECE + E3STEM + School Felix + PREVIFORM) – Complete ✔
Educational Escape Game by E3STEM – Complete ✔
Dissemination on websites and social media – on going process
Relevant contacts need to be collected for the popularization of the project (teachers, parents, NGOs, municipalities, etc.) – on going process, all partners must update with relevant contacts for sharing newsletters
Choosing 2 classrooms per country with at least 50 pupils aged 8-15 and their teachers – Complete ✔
Timesheets must be continuously sent taking into account each partner's budget and PR deadlines:
The importance of disseminating the site is recalled, recalling its accesses to the FB page:
password: 123jk321
The importance of placing the project website in each partner country and the creation of a separate tab for the project on each of the websites of the partners of this consortium is highlighted.
The project's fb page has only 242 likes and 250 followers and its dissemination is extremely important:
For each publication made on all the partners' social networks, a print screen must be made and placed in the project's google drive with the respective publication date and subject:
It is questioned whether all partners have access to public newspapers in the region, if so, partners are advised to publish about the project in order to attract more schools to participate in our Toolkit;
Regarding multiplier events, the one in Bratislava will take place during the last project meeting, in this way, all partners will be able to be present. The remaining multiplier events can be held either in the week before the last meeting or in the following week. I share a note sent by Veronika Pulišová:
“1st multiplier event: ECECE, 4900 EUR budget approved; at least 40 local participants & 60 virtual
2nd multiplier event: E3STEM, 4900 EUR budget approved; at least 40 local participants & 60 virtual
3rd multiplier event: Indicia, 5900 EUR budget approved, as there are two Slovak partners organizing the event together and School Felix doesn't have a separate budget approved for this; at least 50 local participants & 60 virtual
4th multiplier event: Previform, 4900 EUR budget approved; at least 40 local participants & 60 virtual “
- All partners must update the contact list so that the newsletter can reach more people:
Rules for sharing posts regarding this meeting:
Put the location – Ponte de Lima, Portugal
Date – April 13th and 14th
Put the name of the Project - STEALTH - STEam methodology for heALTHy nutririon awareness - Food as cultural Heritage
Put the hosting partner – PREVIFORM
Mention that it was a transnational meeting
Advertise the website:
Add photos
Next meeting in Austria will be on the 14th and 15th of December in Klagenfurt, Austria, in December, the afternoon of the 14th and morning of the 15th:
Online meeting every two months